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Sign up for Priceline emails
to unlock coupons, early access to sales, and more!
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Mystery Coupons

Sign up for emails to get  TWO chances to save up to 99% during our Black Friday Sale. Plus, get exclusive deals all year long!¹

First send starting on 11/21. Second send starting on 11/26.


Terms & Conditions

¹1/4,000 promotional codes sent to customers who are subscribed to receive promotional emails from Priceline before 11/20/23 11:59 PM will get 99% off hotel Express Deals® up to a max savings of $500 with the first send starting on 11/21/23. Customers who are subscribed to receive promotional emails from Priceline before 11/25/23 11:59 PM will receive a second, similar email starting on 11/26/23 with a second opportunity to get 99% off hotel Express Deals® up to a max savings of $500.